S.S. Fools - The Story
By Michael Allsup
1976: S.S. Fools
Before we signed a record deal with Columbia Records, Schermie and I had discussions with Paul Rothchild, former producer for the Doors, regarding him producing the S.S. Fools album. Ultimately, it was mutually agreed upon by everyone that he wasn't right for us, and we weren't right for him. A very talented guy and a very interesting person. His track record spoke for itself, but it just didn't seem to be the right combination. Joe, Floyd and I were partial to Richie Podolor and Bill Cooper, but didn't think they would have time to take on the project. Much to our surprise, THEY FOUND TIME. We recorded the album at American Recording. This was a mixed blessing, because it kind of polarized the "non-3 Dog" guys. It wasn't intentional, but was somewhat inherent to the situation. We worked together pretty well in the studio, with minimal disagreements. I certainly can understand how the "3 Dog" thing could have gotten a bit thick with the other members, who were definitely high talent caliber. A natural concern was that the producer and engineer would lean more our way in any artistic disputes. Still, we had very few problems and came out with a fine album. I'm very proud of it. Bobby's writing was really good and we all had a chance to shine individually, as well as a group. The single released from the album was called, "Why Can't You Be Mine" and could have had a "shot," if we hadn't broken up. The following pages chronicle some of the events involved in the making of the album "S.S. Fools."