Bobby's reaction on the passing of Jimi Jamison
September 1, 2014
I was asked to be on Fox News Network about 6:00pm today (September 1st), to discuss the Benefit Concert Jasmin and I are having on September 13th. We were on TV for a while, but they had a break after about 5 minutes of us on the Live TV News, and they showed a video of "Survivor with Jimi Jamison singing a song", and then they announced that Jimi had died from a heart attack. Jimi has been one of my very best friends for over 25 years, and 3 years ago, we did a Duet CD together called "Kimball/Jamison". I loved working with Jimi on that CD, and I really love the CD we did. I'm so sad to know that one of my best friends has died, and this is going to make me feel so bad for many days now. Please pray to God that Jimi will be well taken care of in Heaven. I'm also very sorry that everyone who loved "Survivor" now has lost the best singer Survivor has ever had. Everyone please take good care of yourself, and I love you, all of my friends. Take care..................Bobby

This is a Photo of me and Jimi at a Corporate Show in Belgium for 100's of Concert Promoters not too long ago. All of the Promoters wanted to book me and Jimi on some of their Concerts and Tours together. We had a great time at this concert.

The last time on stage together in Liege, Belgium - 2013

The last time on stage together in Liege, Belgium - 2013

This is a Photo of me and Jimi at a Corporate Show in Belgium for 100's of Concert Promoters not too long ago. All of the Promoters wanted to book me and Jimi on some of their Concerts and Tours together. We had a great time at this concert.