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S.S. Fools - The Story
By Michael Allsup

March 1976: The Marina Del Rey photo session.


The following pictures are from the "shoot" we did just outside of Marina Del Rey, in Los Angeles. Some of these were used for publicity shots, but you'll get a better idea of what went on behind the scenes in the next few pages. We went out on Richie Podolor's boat, "Celebrity," seen in the picture. On occasion, Richie and Bill have raced it to Hawaii.


Guitarist, Stan Seymore and engineer, "Coop" at the helm. Schermie got me into the habit of calling Stan, "Stanley." I would soon find out that he really didn't like it, but I couldn't stop. Standard communication at rehearsals between Stan and me went something like this: Me: "Stanley!" Stan's answer: "Whatley?." Vewy subtle, with a real 'Salty Dog' sense of humor. "Whatley" had a smooth hand on his guitar and wonderful 'chops'.




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